Friday, January 29, 2016

Meeting Dates

BHS Parents:

Please see attached for Public Meeting dates and times.

Thank you

Louise Pridham
Secretary, Belmont High School
603-267-6525 Ext 1305

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Student bulletin

FRIDAY, January 29, 2016
College Acceptances: Congratulations to Alexandra Sevigny on her acceptance to North Seattle College and to
Brandon Jones on his acceptance East Carolina University.
Senior Parents: Now is the time to recognize your senior with an ad in this year's yearbook! Please see Mrs.
Hamilton or go to to order one by Feb. 15.
BHS Parents and Guardians,
I am looking for three BHS parents to join me on the principal search committee. If you
are interested, please send me a letter of interest that includes information about yourself
and why you would be interested in being on the committee.
Our work will start within the next two weeks and will include a few evenings. Once the
committee is selected, we will discuss the process in more detail, review the applicants and
schedule the interviews.
I am confident that we will find the best candidate to be your next BHS principal. Please
feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Aaron Pope, Principal Belmont Middle School
SADD: There will be a MANDATORY Students Against Deadly Decisions meeting TODAY during the first half of
power hour in room 206.
Quebec Trip: There will be a student meeting on Monday, February 8th at 2:15 in room 205 regarding the Quebec
Boy's Lacrosse: There will be open gym for boy's lacrosse every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. until further notice.
Driver's Ed: Money and Deposits are due February 5th for the Spring Driver's Ed class. If your money has not
been received by that time Mrs. LaPlante will assume you are not taking driver's education with her and your spot
will be given to someone on the waiting list. If you are planning to take the next driver's education class (May), you
must sign up soon as spots are filling up.
This week is Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week. Each day we will share some information regarding Drug and Alcohol use.
 Prescription drug abuse is the leading cause of future heroin NH had 357 Opioid deaths which include prescription painkill earbsu, shee.r Ionin 2 a0n1d5 , foevnetradnoysle. s1.8 "3H oolfl ythwoosoed dHeeartohisn "w iesr teh ae rlaetseusltt odfa nhgeeroroinu sa nmdi/x tourr fee notf ahneyrlo in cut wmiothre a r esicgennitfi c"ahnetrloyi nh"i gdhe aatmhso uanntd o hf afse nbteaenny lf oaunndd i si nr etshprooungsihboleu tf oNre mwa Ennyg olafn tdh.e
ATHLETICS: WEEK OF 1/25 – 1/31
Alpine at Gunstock. 10:00am
BG Hockey @ Laconia 6:30pm. Laconia Ice Arena
Indoor Track @ UNH 9:00am. Bus leaves 7:15am
Friends of Belmont Football: There will be a Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for Friends of Belmont Football on
Saturday, January 30th from 5pm-8pm at The Greenside at Lochmere Country Club, 360 Laconia Road in Tilton.
Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. Tickets available at the door. The menu will be Spaghetti and meatballs, salad,
bread & butter and desserts. Live entertainment, cash bar and 50/50 raffle. MC/Visa accepted. Friends of
Belmont Football is a non-profit organization that raises funds to pay for the Belmont portion of the cooperative
football program between Belmont & Gilford High Schools. Come out and support a great cause while enjoying food
and a great atmosphere!
Scholarship Application Workshops Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9 & 16 POWER HOUR ROOM#203 Limited space available-sign up in the guidance office to reserve your space Assistance will Rbee gaivoanil Sacbhleo tlaor hsehlipp wFoituhn odna-tliionne Sscchhoollaarrsshhiipps and the Lakes
Seniors, scholarships are arriving in the guidance office almost daily! Many new ones include Skrungloo Farm, Hood Good
Sportsmanship, New England Newspapers (Journalism scholarship), Maurice Fortin Memorial, Nursing Schools Alamanc
and Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!! These scholarships are TIME SENSITIVE!! Please check the guidance website
at for information on all the scholarships available at
this time.
Yearbook: Baby Pictures for the Yearbook AND the Senior Slideshow are due by Friday, February 19. Please
submit them to Mrs. Hamilton, either electronically ( or hard copy (Room 210). Please label all
submissions with student's name.
The total balance for the Senior Class trip will be due on February 1st. Please make sure you are prepared to
make this final payment on time. See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance. Thanks!
Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do
not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later
this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.
Dairy Queen is now hiring for the season. Applications can be picked up in Guidance or found on-line.
Summer College Sessions and Camp Opportunities are now being offered to high school students. If you are
interested in learning more about them, stop by the School Counseling Office to pick up flyers and
brochures. Some opportunities have a March application deadline – so act fast!
Career Power Hour
Registered Dental Hygienist & Children's Author
Sara Cremeno, Concord Pediatric Dentistry
When: Friday, Feb. 5th
Time: 10:20am (Power Hour)
Where: Guidance Office
Sign up today for the free catered lunch! Ms. Cremeno will bring some cool tools to BHS to allow students to
test drive this career as well as answer any questions you may have about entering the Dental field. She is also a
Children's Author, specializing in picture books for children with sensory needs, anxieties and special needs. Check
out Melvin Goes to the Dentist on to see her work! If you have an interest in becoming an author,
she is available during this Career Power Hour to answer those questions as well!
Career Power Hour Presenter: Pilot & Owner/Mechanic of Granite State Dyno & Tune – Alex Wohlwend
When: Monday, Feb. 15th
Time: 11:20am
Where: Due to Winter Carnival activities, the Career Power Hour for Pilot/Mechanic is now going to be
at 11:20am in Mr. McDonald's classroom. The catered lunch sign up is in Guidance.
Sign up today for the free catered lunch! Come to guidance during Career Power Hour to learn more about the
aviation world and the Automotive Tuning industry! Pick up some helpful career advice as well as some trinkets and
even your own Balsa Wood (build-yourself) airplane kit!
Juniors: Our 2016 Destination College event will be held at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday,
April 2, 2016. Registration for this free college planning event for high school juniors and parents will open
February 5, 2016. You must pre-register to attend!! To do this, please go to

Daily bulletin

Attached is today's daily bulletin.  Have a great weekend!


Angela Conway
BHS Office
267-6525 (x1300)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Student bulletin


THURSDAY, January 28, 2016


College AcceptancesCongratulations to Tayla Jacques on her acceptance to LRCC and Congratulations to Alexandra Sevigny on her acceptance to North Seattle College.




BHS Parents and Guardians,


I am looking for three BHS parents to join me on the principal search committee. If you are interested, please send me a letter of interest that includes information about yourself and why you would be interested in being on the committee.


Our work will start within the next two weeks and will include a few evenings. Once the committee is selected, we will discuss the process in more detail, review the applicants and schedule the interviews.


I am confident that we will find the best candidate to be your next BHS principal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Aaron Pope, Principal Belmont Middle School


SADD:  There will be a MANDATORY Students Against Deadly Decisions meeting tomorrow during the first half of power hour in room 206.




This week is Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week.  Each day we will share some information regarding Drug and Alcohol use.


·         Marijuana or "Pot" is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. Exposure to marijuana smoke has the same potential negative effects as tobacco use on a person's lungs. Specifically, marijuana hurts the lungs first line of defense against infection by killing cells that help remove dust and germs. Regular heavy marijuana use before the age of 18 while a person's brain is still developing can lower a person's IQ as much as 8 points.


Boy's Lacrosse:  There is a Boy's Lacrosse meeting TONIGHT, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.





ATHLETICS:  WEEK OF 1/25 – 1/31


Girls JV Basketball vs. Newfound 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Newfound 6:00pm
Boys JV Basketball @ Newfound 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball @ Newfound 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm

Alpine at Gunstock. 10:00am

BG Hockey @ Laconia 6:30pm. Laconia Ice Arena

Indoor Track @ UNH 9:00am. Bus leaves 7:15am


                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS


Friends of Belmont FootballThere will be a Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for Friends of Belmont Football on Saturday, January 30th from 5pm-8pm at The Greenside at Lochmere Country Club, 360 Laconia Road in Tilton. Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. Tickets available at the door. The menu will be Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread & butter and desserts. Live entertainment, cash bar and 50/50 raffle. MC/Visa accepted. Friends of Belmont Football is a non-profit organization that raises funds to pay for the Belmont portion of the cooperative football program between Belmont & Gilford High Schools. Come out and support a great cause while enjoying food and a great atmosphere!




Scholarship Application Workshops

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9 & 16



Limited space available-sign up in the guidance office to reserve your space

Assistance will be available to help with on-line scholarships and the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation Scholarship


Seniors, scholarships are arriving in the guidance office almost daily! Many new ones include Skrungloo Farm, Hood Good Sportsmanship, New England Newspapers (Journalism scholarship), Maurice Fortin Memorial, Nursing Schools Alamanc and Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!! These scholarships are TIME SENSITIVE!! Please check the guidance website at for information on all the scholarships available at this time. 


Yearbook: Baby Pictures for the Yearbook AND the Senior Slideshow are due by Friday, February 19. Please submit them to Mrs. Hamilton, either electronically ( or hard copy (Room 210). Please label all submissions with student's name.


The total balance for the Senior Class trip will be due on February 1stPlease make sure you are prepared to make this final payment on time.  See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance.  Thanks!


Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.




Career Power Hour

Registered Dental Hygienist & Children's Author

Sara Cremeno, Concord Pediatric Dentistry

When:  Friday, Feb. 5th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Ms. Cremeno will bring some cool tools to BHS to allow students to test drive this career as well as answer any questions you may have about entering the Dental field.  She is also a Children's Author, specializing in picture books for children with sensory needs, anxieties and special needs.  Check out Melvin Goes to the Dentist on to see her work!  If you have an interest in becoming an author, she is available during this Career Power Hour to answer those questions as well!


Career Power Hour Presenter:  Pilot & Owner/Mechanic of Granite State Dyno & Tune – Alex Wohlwend

When:  Monday, Feb. 15th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Come to guidance during Career Power Hour to learn more about the aviation world and the Automotive Tuning industry!  Pick up some helpful career advice as well as some trinkets and even your own Balsa Wood (build-yourself) airplane kit!


Juniors:  Our 2016 Destination College event will be held at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday, April 2, 2016. Registration for this free college planning event for high school juniors and parents will open February 5, 2016You must pre-register to attend!! To do this, please go to




Student bulletin

Attached is today's daily bulletin for your review.  Have a great day!


Angela Conway
BHS Office
267-6525 (x1300)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Student bulletin


TUESDAY, January 26, 2016




PLEASE NOTE:  The location of the Shaker Regional School Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. tonight has been moved to Canterbury Elementary School




This week is Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week.  Each day we will share some information regarding Drug and Alcohol use.


·         E-cigarettes are not regulated by the FDA and often contain undisclosed substances that can cause cancer or other health problems. Two such substances are: Propylene Glycol which can cause liver damage and Formaldehyde which can cause cancer.


Boy's Lacrosse:  There is a Boy's Lacrosse meeting on Thursday, January 28th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.


ATHLETICS:  WEEK OF 1/25 – 1/31


Boys JV Basketball vs. Gilford 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Gilford 6:00pm
Girls JV Basketball @ Gilford 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:40pm
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Gilford 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:40pm
Nordic @ Bow 2:30pm. Bus leaves 12:30pm

BG Hockey @ Sanborn 4:00pm. Bus leaves 1:20. Dismiss 12:50pm. The Rinks in Exeter



No Scheduled games

Girls JV Basketball vs. Newfound 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Newfound 6:00pm
Boys JV Basketball @ Newfound 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball @ Newfound 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm

Alpine at Gunstock. 10:00am

BG Hockey @ Laconia 6:30pm. Laconia Ice Arena

Indoor Track @ UNH 9:00am. Bus leaves 7:15am



                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS


Friends of Belmont FootballThere will be a Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for Friends of Belmont Football on Saturday, January 30th from 5pm-8pm at The Greenside at Lochmere Country Club, 360 Laconia Road in Tilton. Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. Tickets available at the door. The menu will be Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread & butter and desserts. Live entertainment, cash bar and 50/50 raffle. MC/Visa accepted. Friends of Belmont Football is a non-profit organization that raises funds to pay for the Belmont portion of the cooperative football program between Belmont & Gilford High Schools. Come out and support a great cause while enjoying food and a great atmosphere!




Scholarship Application Workshops

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9 & 16



Limited space available-sign up in the guidance office to reserve your space

Assistance will be available to help with on-line scholarships and the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation Scholarship


Seniors, scholarships are arriving in the guidance office almost daily! Many new ones include Skrungloo Farm, Hood Good Sportsmanship, New England Newspapers (Journalism scholarship), Maurice Fortin Memorial, Nursing Schools Alamanc and Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!! These scholarships are TIME SENSITIVE!! Please check the guidance website at for information on all the scholarships available at this time. 


Yearbook: Baby Pictures for the Yearbook AND the Senior Slideshow are due by Friday, February 19. Please submit them to Mrs. Hamilton, either electronically ( or hard copy (Room 210). Please label all submissions with student's name.


The total balance for the Senior Class trip will be due on February 1stPlease make sure you are prepared to make this final payment on time.  See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance.  Thanks!


Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.




Career Power Hour

Registered Dental Hygienist & Children's Author

Sara Cremeno, Concord Pediatric Dentistry

When:  Friday, Feb. 5th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Ms. Cremeno will bring some cool tools to BHS to allow students to test drive this career as well as answer any questions you may have about entering the Dental field.  She is also a Children's Author, specializing in picture books for children with sensory needs, anxieties and special needs.  Check out Melvin Goes to the Dentist on to see her work!  If you have an interest in becoming an author, she is available during this Career Power Hour to answer those questions as well!


Career Power Hour Presenter:  Pilot & Owner/Mechanic of Granite State Dyno & Tune – Alex Wohlwend

When:  Monday, Feb. 15th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Come to guidance during Career Power Hour to learn more about the aviation world and the Automotive Tuning industry!  Pick up some helpful career advice as well as some trinkets and even your own Balsa Wood (build-yourself) airplane kit!


Juniors:  Our 2016 Destination College event will be held at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday, April 2, 2016. Registration for this free college planning event for high school juniors and parents will open February 5, 2016You must pre-register to attend!! To do this, please go to


Clubs and Organizations


ATG:  All things Graphic will NOT meet Wednedsay.





Daily bulletin

Attached is today's daily bulletin for your review.  Have a great day!


Angela Conway
BHS Office
267-6525 (x1300)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Monday, January 25, 2016

Student bulletin


MONDAY, January 25, 2016




Friends of Belmont FootballThere will be a Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for Friends of Belmont Football on Saturday, January 30th from 5pm-8pm at The Greenside at Lochmere Country Club, 360 Laconia Road in Tilton. Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. Tickets available at the door. The menu will be Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread & butter and desserts. Live entertainment, cash bar and 50/50 raffle. MC/Visa accepted. Friends of Belmont Football is a non-profit organization that raises funds to pay for the Belmont portion of the cooperative football program between Belmont & Gilford High Schools. Come out and support a great cause while enjoying food and a great atmosphere!


This week is Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week.  Each day we will share some information regarding Drug and Alcohol use.


·         Most people who smoke cigarettes start before the age of 18 and over 400,000 people die each year from diseases associated to tobacco use.


National French Honor Society:  There will be a brief meeting of the National French Honor Society during the beginning of power hour today.



ATHLETICS:  WEEK OF 1/25 – 1/31



Boys JV Basketball vs. Gilford 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Gilford 6:00pm
Girls JV Basketball @ Gilford 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:40pm
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Gilford 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:40pm
Nordic @ Bow 2:30pm. Bus leaves 12:30pm

BG Hockey @ Sanborn 4:00pm. Bus leaves 1:20. Dismiss 12:50pm. The Rinks in Exeter

Girls JV Basketball vs. Newfound 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Newfound 6:00pm
Boys JV Basketball @ Newfound 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball @ Newfound 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm

Alpine at Gunstock. 10:00am

BG Hockey @ Laconia 6:30pm. Laconia Ice Arena

Indoor Track @ UNH 9:00am. Bus leaves 7:15am

                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS




Scholarship Application Workshops

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9 & 16



Limited space available-sign up in the guidance office to reserve your space

Assistance will be available to help with on-line scholarships and the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation Scholarship


Seniors, scholarships are arriving in the guidance office almost daily! Many new ones include Skrungloo Farm, Hood Good Sportsmanship, New England Newspapers (Journalism scholarship), Maurice Fortin Memorial, Nursing Schools Alamanc and Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!! These scholarships are TIME SENSITIVE!! Please check the guidance website at for information on all the scholarships available at this time. 


Yearbook: Baby Pictures for the Yearbook AND the Senior Slideshow are due by Friday, February 19. Please submit them to Mrs. Hamilton, either electronically ( or hard copy (Room 210). Please label all submissions with student's name.



Career Power Hour

Registered Dental Hygienist & Children's Author

Sara Cremeno, Concord Pediatric Dentistry

When:  Friday, Feb. 5th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Ms. Cremeno will bring some cool tools to BHS to allow students to test drive this career as well as answer any questions you may have about entering the Dental field.  She is also a Children's Author, specializing in picture books for children with sensory needs, anxieties and special needs.  Check out Melvin Goes to the Dentist on to see her work!  If you have an interest in becoming an author, she is available during this Career Power Hour to answer those questions as well!


Career Power Hour Presenter:  Pilot & Owner/Mechanic of Granite State Dyno & Tune – Alex Wohlwend

When:  Monday, Feb. 15th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Come to guidance during Career Power Hour to learn more about the aviation world and the Automotive Tuning industry!  Pick up some helpful career advice as well as some trinkets and even your own Balsa Wood (build-yourself) airplane kit!


Juniors:  Our 2016 Destination College event will be held at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday, April 2, 2016. Registration for this free college planning event for high school juniors and parents will open February 5, 2016You must pre-register to attend!! To do this, please go to


Seniors - The total balance for the Senior Class trip will be due on February 1stPlease make sure you are prepared to make this final payment on time.  See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance.  Thanks!


Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.


FYI:  The Middle School is doing a couple of fund raisers and they are attached to this bulletin for your review.



Daily bulletin

Attached is today's daily bulletin as well as some information from Belmont Middle School.  Have a great Monday!


Angela Conway
BHS Office
267-6525 (x1300)

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fundraisers for BMS


Please see attached for fundraisers for BMS

Louise Pridham
Secretary, Belmont High School
603-267-6525 Ext 1305

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "BHS parents" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Student bulletin


THURSDAY, January 21, 2016




Attention all students:

The guidance department is asking that any student who needs to make a semester 2 schedule change to do so by TODAY! Come during study hall, before school and power hour this week and next to make sure your schedule is ready to go on Monday, 1/25!


SENIORS:  Any senior that wants senior privileges for the second semester, please come to the office TODAY for a form. 


Softball:  There is NO open gym for Sunday, January 24th


Friends of Belmont FootballThere will be a Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for Friends of Belmont Football on Saturday, January 30th from 5pm-8pm at The Greenside at Lochmere Country Club, 360 Laconia Road in Tilton. Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. Tickets available at the door. The menu will be Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread & butter and desserts. Live entertainment, cash bar and 50/50 raffle. MC/Visa accepted. Friends of Belmont Football is a non-profit organization that raises funds to pay for the Belmont portion of the cooperative football program between Belmont & Gilford High Schools. Come out and support a great cause while enjoying yummy food and a great atmosphere!


BHS PTO will hold our next meeting TONIGHT at 6 pm in the Guidance Office Conference Room.  We will be discussing fundraising goals and efforts and we would appreciate some input from our parents, students and staff.  We would love to see some of you at our meeting to bounce around thoughts and ideas.  If you are unable to attend our meeting but you have some ideas for us, please email




ATHLETICS:  WEEK OF 1/18 – 1/24


No Events Scheduled

Please note:  JV boys basketball practice will be 3-4:30 today.  Varsity boys will be from 6-8:00 p.m. today.

Girls JV Basketball vs. Winnisquam 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Winnisquam 6:00pm
Boys JV Basketball @ Winnisquam 4:30pm. Bus leaves 3:45pm
Boys Varsity Basketball @ Winnisquam 6:00pm. Bus leaves 3:45pm

Nordic @ Bretton Woods 10:30am. Bus leaves 7:15am

BG Hockey @ Goffstown 3:30pm. Bus leaves 1:20pm. Plays at St. Anselm's College.
Indoor Track @ Southern Maine University. 12:00pm. Bus leaves at 10:00 a.m.


                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS




Scholarship Application Workshops

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 9 & 16



Limited space available-sign up in the guidance office to reserve your space

Assistance will be available to help with on-line scholarships and the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation Scholarship


Seniors, scholarships are arriving in the guidance office almost daily! Many new ones include Skrungloo Farm, Hood Good Sportsmanship, New England Newspapers (Journalism scholarship), Maurice Fortin Memorial, Nursing Schools Alamanc and Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!! These scholarships are TIME SENSITIVE!! Please check the guidance website at for information on all the scholarships available at this time. 


Yearbook: Baby Pictures for the Yearbook AND the Senior Slideshow are due by Friday, February 19. Please submit them to Mrs. Hamilton, either electronically ( or hard copy (Room 210). Please label all submissions with student's name.



Career Power Hour

Registered Dental Hygienist & Children's Author

Sara Cremeno, Concord Pediatric Dentistry

When:  Friday, Feb. 5th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Ms. Cremeno will bring some cool tools to BHS to allow students to test drive this career as well as answer any questions you may have about entering the Dental field.  She is also a Children's Author, specializing in picture books for children with sensory needs, anxieties and special needs.  Check out Melvin Goes to the Dentist on to see her work!  If you have an interest in becoming an author, she is available during this Career Power Hour to answer those questions as well!


Career Power Hour Presenter:  Pilot & Owner/Mechanic of Granite State Dyno & Tune – Alex Wohlwend

When:  Monday, Feb. 15th

Time:  10:20am (Power Hour)

Where:  Guidance Office


Sign up today for the free catered lunch!  Come to guidance during Career Power Hour to learn more about the aviation world and the Automotive Tuning industry!  Pick up some helpful career advice as well as some trinkets and even your own Balsa Wood (build-yourself) airplane kit!


Juniors:  Our 2016 Destination College event will be held at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday, April 2, 2016. Registration for this free college planning event for high school juniors and parents will open February 5, 2016You must pre-register to attend!! To do this, please go to


Seniors - The total balance for the Senior Class trip will be due on February 1stPlease make sure you are prepared to make this final payment on time.  See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance.  Thanks!


Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.