Monday, January 11, 2016

Student bulletin


MONDAY, January 11, 2016






Seniors - A reminder that your next deposit for the class trip was due Friday, January 8th.   If you have not made your payment yet, please see Ms. Pitrone TODAY.  The total balance will be due on February 1stPlease make sure you are prepared to make these payments on time.  See Mr. Hill or Mrs. Pitrone if you need to know your balance.  Thanks!


Senior Portraits are due TODAY. You can submit the photos electronically to Mrs. Hamilton If you do, please make sure the file format is a jpg and that it is saved at 300dpi. You may also submit a hardcopy and we can scan it for you. If you do, please put your name on the back so that we can return it to you after scanning.


Recognition/Parent Ads are due Monday, February 15. You can order directly online by clicking here. If you do not want to order online, you will be able to order directly through Mrs. Hamilton. Look for a second email later this week with detailed directions for ordering recognition ads.


SECOND ANNUAL BASKETBALL JAMBOREE:  Thanks to everyone who helped out in the second annual BHS Unified Jamboree on Saturday!  It was a great success!  Congratulations to all BHS students who got at least one basket during the jamboree.  Nice work!  




Attention all students:

The guidance department is asking that any student who needs to make a semester 2 schedule change to do so by January 21st!!! Come during study hall, before school and power hour this week and next to make sure your schedule is ready to go on Monday, 1/25!


College AcceptancesCongratulations to Leanne Smock on her acceptance to Keene State College.


Sophomores and Juniors - PSAT scores are available!  Each student who took the PSAT in the fall received an email today from The Collegeboard with a link to access their scores. Now, be patient - the process has been riddled with non-success for many students today as you can imagine every student in the country who took the exam is trying to connect to that link and get their scores!


The best thing to do is to try accessing scores earlier next week or at some random hour of day and night when the traffic may be low!  This is the first year scores have been available to students and families online! In the past, school counselors got paper copies that we distributed to students. We still get those, but not until 1/29 - which by then the PSAT may be ancient history in students' minds - we will still distribute these paper copies at that time.


The BHS school counselors will meet with students who want to work with the PSAT scores to help them plan for the future.  Please take advantage of this opportunity - click on the link, create an account, and get the most of your PSAT score to prepare for the SAT!


ATHLETICS:  WEEK OF 1/11 – 1/16


Unified Basketball vs. Winnisquam 3:30pm.
Alpine Ski @ Gunstock 10:00am

Girls JV Basketball @ Franklin 5:30pm. Bus leaves 4:40pm
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Franklin 7:00pm. Bus leaves 4:40pm
Boys JV Basketball vs. Franklin 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Franklin 6:00pm

Nordic @ Gunstock 2:30pm. Bus leaves 1:15pm. Dismiss 1:00pm
BG Hockey vs. Kennett 4:30pm. Laconia Ice Arena
Indoor Track Boys Wildcat Relays 4:00pm

Alpine Ski @ Bretton Woods. Bus leaves 7:00am

Girls JV Basketball @ Campbell 5:00pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm
Girls Varsity Basketball @ Campbell 6:30pm. Bus leaves 3:30pm
Boys JV Basketball vs. Campbell 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Campbell 6:00pm

BG Hockey vs. Berlin 4:15pm. Laconia Ice Arena

                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS



Softball:  There will be open gym for softball on Sundays from 5-7 PM starting January 3rd 2016. 

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