Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Belmont High School Track

Good afternoon Families and Staff,

I wanted to inform you that we are in the beginning stages of doing a complete renovation of the BHS track.  Based on an assessment from a civil engineer and a track consultant, the track is considered to have "failed". The rubber surface that was installed during the summer of 2016 is delaminating causing "bubbling" at specific spots on the track. The assessment also determined that the pitch of the original track is not adequate to allow water to drain causing puddling in specific areas. This adds to the delamination issue. The "bubbling" has caused serious tripping hazards for runners and walkers.  Due to safety concerns, the School Board has voted to close the track and begin the process for a complete renovation. The renovation project is based on the recommendation of an engineering firm who conducted the assessment. This past June, the Board voted to use monies from our year-end fund balance for the renovation.  We will be going out to bid for a suitable contractor to begin the work this fall and plan on finalizing the project during the spring and summer of 2018. Unfortunately, this will have a significant impact on the spring track season. However, there will be minimal impact on the fall soccer season. Our plan is to continue to use the lower field for soccer games and practices.  It is still to early in the process to determine when the project will begin this fall. However, I anticipate construction starting mid to late fall. Erica Knolhoff, our athletic director, and the coaches are aware of the situation and are planning practices and events accordingly.  We have currently closed the track due to life-safety concerns.  The gates are closed and locked for unauthorized access.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions regarding this information.

Thank you.
Michael J. Tursi
Superintendent of Schools
Shaker Regional School District

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