Monday, July 27, 2020

Crisis Counseling Opportunity Reminder - 7/27/20


Dear Belmont Middle and High School Families, 

The Shaker Regional School District Crisis Support Team would like to remind our school community of today's in-person student counseling services, being held at Belmont Middle School. As was communicated last Friday, our team is offering in-person counseling services for students wishing to participate today (July 27, 2020) from 1 pm to 6 pm. Completing the attached survey expresses your interest in participating in this opportunity and provides information to our Crisis Response Team that allows us to meet participants' needs. 

If you plan to join us for this afternoon's student counseling, please utilize this form: Counseling Participation Form 

Our school counselors and school psychologists will practice social distancing and will be wearing masks throughout these sessions. In order to ensure all attendees are safe and have the support they need, student participants are required to wear a mask/face covering. We will observe Covid-19 rules and guidelines, per the CDC. 

Students will enter through the middle school's cafeteria doors and exit through a different set of doors in the front of the building. Students will check in with a district representative prior to entering. Additional staff will be on hand to help with traffic. Parents/Guardians are asked to remain in their vehicles until their student exits the middle school. 

For guidance focused on supporting young people through this time, we invite you to review this resource: Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event

Our thoughts are with each of you.

Thank you,

Your SRSD Crisis Response Team

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