Wednesday, April 16, 2014

student bulletin


Wednesday, April 16, 2014





JV Softball home vs Franklin 4:00PM @ BHS

JV Baseball home vs Franklin 4:00PM @ Bryant Field

Varsity Softball away @ Franklin 4:00PM- bus departs @ 2:25PM

Varsity Baseball away @ Franklin 4:00PM- bus departs @ 2:25PM


Girls Softball:

Wanted! Scorekeeper/Manager.  If interested please see Megan Bailey, Cassie Contigiani or email Coach  Clary @

Boys Lacrosse: 

It’s not too late to join the boys Lacrosse team. There are still openings on the team for those who would like to join. We currently have two scholarships available. Equipment  assistance is also available. Contact Colin Shaw, Andrew Spaulding or see Coach Premo.

Red Raider Golf Tournament:

BHS will be hosting the 1st Annual Red Raider Golf Tournament on Friday June 27th at Loudon Country Club. If you would like more info please pick up an informational sheet with details.


Polar Plunge:

It has come to our attention that some students throughout the state have been participating in a very dangerous game of “dare” where students “call out” other students to jump into a cold body of water right after doing it themselves.  As a school, we are most concerned with the possible consequences to the health of these students who choose to take this plunge dare. These could include: hypothermia, bodily injury, being pulled underwater by the current, concussion or more severe head injury,  post-immersion collapse, and heart attack.

This is not like the official Polar Plunge fundraiser for Special Olympics.  That well known fundraiser is supported by Emergency Services and experienced organizers who have the knowledge to support any emergency that could occur during those fundraising activities.


Commendation Awards:

Will be held tomorrow in the library @ 2:00PM for all High Honors and Honor Roll students.



Come join us this month for the PTO meeting!  This Thursday, April 17th at 6:00 PM at the Guidance Office.

To all the parents of BHS students, we welcome you to join us for this month’s PTO meeting!  The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child” is very true.  All of us parents are part of that village.  At the BHS PTO meetings we share ideas and challenges, learn about what is happening at the high school and are inspired to contribute to making BHS a great place for our kids and staff.  And we have fun doing it!  We know you are all busy, so please know that there are no commitments required.  Come just to stay connected during this most critical time of our teenagers’ lives. Please see attachment for agenda.


National Honor Society:

1. Raider Run:

Will be held on Friday beginning at 1:30PM. For those who preordered Raider Run t-shirts your balance is due no later than today.


2. Members who are interested in helping out at Friday’s event will need to sign up in the main office.


3. All community service logs need to be turned into the office by Friday.


Order forms are now available for seniors to order senior hoodies. See Courtney Pelletier, Ms.Harper, or Ashley Hicks for an order form. The deadline for ordering is Friday. A $5.00 deposit is needed with remaining  money due when shirts are in. Please return your payment with the order form to Ms. Harper in the computer lab.


Junior Prom:

The class of 2015 will start selling prom tickets in the lobby at break  The tickets are $45 each. If you are planning on bringing a guest who does not attend BHS you will need to fill out  a guest permission form which are available in the main office. This form needs to be signed by a parent.


Student Council:

The Belmont High School Student Council is hosting a Community Forum to discuss the current high school mascot. The forum will be held tonight @ 7:00 p.m. at Belmont High School.  The forum is open to students, parents, alumni and community members residing in Belmont and Canterbury.

Please plan to come and voice your opinions on this topic.


Belmont High School Language Clubs travel fundraiser:

A fun way to start vacation with a comedian/illusionist with the return of Magician Ben Pratt  performing  at BES, 7PM on Friday. Admission is $7 for  students and $10 for  adults. You can see or email Ms. Hampton @ or see a French or Spanish Club student to reserve your ticket



2014 NH Military Service Academy Day :

Will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 9am-11:30am at the NH National Guard Headquarters-Building 1 in Concord, NH. This is for students who are interested in obtaining Service Academy Nominations from the NH Congressional delegation and for those students interested in attending any of our Nation's Service Academies.  RSVP vial email to or contact Senator Jeanne Shaheen's office at 647-7500. Please RSVP the following information: names of those attending, car make, model and license plate number. On the day of the event please provide photo ID to the security guard for entrance into the Headquarters.


Career Corner:

Attention students looking for employment or a place to volunteer this summer...please look at the Guidance Bulletin Board for up-to-date postings!

Class of 2016:

  1. Class of 2016 Officers will meet in Mr. Hill's room during break tomorrow.


  1. The Ford Drive 4 UR School Fundraiser will be held at Tilton Auto-Serv on Tuesday, May 6th.  For this fundraiser, students will receive $20 in their individual accounts for each person that comes to test drive a Ford vehicle.  Additional details will be sent after vacation, but students should be lining up people to come on their behalf! 




1. Our next meeting will be tomorrow  at 2:20pm in Mr. Hill's room.


2. Members who wish to participate in the Ford Drive 4 UR School Fundraiser at Tilton AutoServ on Tuesday, May 6th should see Mr. Hill.  See the Class of 2016 announcement for additional information.  If you participate, money will be credited to you for future FBLA conferences.


3.  FBLA will continue to collect can tabs all year for David's House.



 Is seeking a DJ for their Father Daughter Dance on Friday May 9thfrom 6-8pm. Contact Kelly Smart at or 527-8898.

French Club:

Meets today @ 2:15PM in Rm 205

All Things Graphic:

Meets today  @ 2:15PM in Rm 106.

Spanish Club:

Meets tomorrow @ 2:30PM in Rm 105.


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