Monday, April 8, 2013

student bulletin


Monday, April 8, 2013


Athletics: Today:

Boys JV Baseball vs Prospect Mtn. 4:00PM

Boys Varsity Baseball away @ Prospect Mtn. 4:00PM- bus departs @ 2:45PM

Girls JV Softball vs Prospect Mtn. 4:00PM

Girls Varsity Softball away @ Prospect Mtn. 4:00PM- bus departs @ 2:45PM


Sports Contracts:

Reminder to turn in athletic contracts to Mrs. O'Connell. Contracts must be in before game/meet or you can not participate. The following students have missing contracts:  Madison Borden,  Jared Ess,  Kayla Harpell, Katherine Jeas, Trevor Romagnoli, and  Kate Witschonke

Drivers Education:

The next Drivers Ed class will begin on April 30th and will run until June 18th. The class meets on Tues and Thurs. evenings from 6:00-8:00PM. Cost is $650 with a $150 deposit due when you sign up for the class and any remaining money due by the first day of class. If you are interested in signing up please stop by the main office to pick up a registration packet. Please note, you need to turn 16 by the end of the class.



Please join the BMS PTO in welcoming Maria Dreyer, Superintendent, and Madison Van Cleave, BHS Student, at our next meeting, Thursday, April 18th at 6 pm, in Room 103.  Madison Van Cleave will be giving a presentation about her "Reach for Change" Anti-Bullying program.  This presentation includes a PowerPoint and a compelling video with information and survey results from BHS students, and shows the impact this program had on students.  We hope to see you there !



FREE Summer School Classes at BHS:

We are offering a few summer school classes for students interested in taking classes this summer to build credits on their transcript. So far, we have

1. Digital Photography with Mr. Frick being offered from June 24-Aug 1st. (6 wks)Classes are Monday & Wednesday from 8am-10:30am or Tuesday & Thursday from 8am-10:30am. At least 8 students have to sign up for each section in order to run a class. Permission slip and class syllabus are in guidance. Please note: Space is limited so you are encouraged to sign up in guidance and get a permission slip.

2. Creative Writing with Ms. Pitrone being offered from June 24-Aug 1st. Classes are Monday and Wednesday from 10:30am-1pm, also available is 

Theatre Arts with Ms. Pitrone from June 24-Aug 1st, classes are Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am-1pm. Permission slip and class syllabus are in guidance. Please sign up in the guidance office and get a permission slip. At least 8 students must sign up for each class or the class will be cancelled.


Students who are interested in taking Summer Digital Photography, Creative Writing and Theatre Arts should have signed permission forms to guidance by Friday, April 12th.



1.Reminder that the Franklin Savings Bank Scholarship is due in guidance by April 12th.


2.Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation and the John Mullen Scholarship are due to LRSF no later than April 15th. Please be sure to include a copy of your FAFSA, all 5 pages!!!


Aviation Career Exploration (ACE) Camps:

ACE Camps are week-long STEM-based learning opportunities with an emphasis on aviation and aerospace education.  We'll be running several sessions – a half-day camp for grades 3-5; full-day sessions for grades 6-8, 9-11, and 10-12 (for older and/or experienced campers). If interested see Mrs. O'Connell in the guidance office for an application. Scholarships are available.


School To Career:

1. Students interested in a potential career in law enforcement, please consider joining the Belmont Police Explorers!  Contact Officer Joe Marcello, Ms. Madsen, or Mrs. O'Connell in Guidance for more information. 


2. Pike Industries in Belmont is looking to hire a Construction Cost Clerk.  Contact Ms. Madsen for more information.   


College Open Houses:

NHTI will be holding their Spring Open House for prospective students and families on Wednesday, April 10th from 5-7pm. Come tour the campus, meet Academic Department Heads, current & former students, Admissions and Financial Aid representatives.


 UNH Manchester is holding an Open House for juniors and seniors that have a strong interest in furthering their education in social studies & humanities fields on Thursday, April 11th from 7-8:30pm at University Center at 400 Commercial Street in Manchester. Students can register for the event at



Class of 2013:

Is holding a  raffle  for (2) tickets to The Band Perry concert on June 1st. Tickets are $5.00 each. Tickets will be sold until April 30th with a drawing date of May 1st. Please see a senior if interested.


Broadcast Journalism:

Will be having a small poetry competition for the month of April. Feel free to submit a poem that you have written, and if chosen your poem will be included in the poem of the week in the weekly broadcast. Submit your poems to Jared Clough, Ms. Jemery or Mrs. Bryant.


French Club:
   The French Club will be hosting a welcome reception in the BHS library after school today.  Students and staff are welcome to come and meet the group and have some refreshments.


Class of 2014: Prom Tickets

Are being sold during lunches for $35

Attention Prom Go-ers:

There will be a raffle held by the class of 2016 in the café during lunches to win gift cards to help with prom needs. Chances include: spray tanning from Broadway North, a full make- up application and an up-do or men's cut from SunDay's Salon and Spa, prom flowers from Lakes Region Floral Studio ,  an awesome hair product gift basket , a $35 gift card from Beyond the Fringe and a custom facial from Lakes Cosmetic Institute. Tickets will be $1 each or (6) for $5. 

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