Thursday September 24, 2015
Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, October 2.
Cool School Dollars:
When doing shopping at Steeplegate Mall, save your receipts and drop off in the box in the main lobby. All monies earned benefits our scholarships.
No Events Scheduled
We still need volunteers for NHMS, particularly for Sunday, 9/27. Please consider helping out and making money for your individual account if you can. Contact Mr. Hill via text or email ( Thank you for your support!
Seniors working at NHMS ... if you are under age 18, you need to complete a new waiver for this event, even if you just worked another event.
Seniors and parents! The NHHEAF College Night scheduled for Thursday, September 24th at 6:30pm in the BHS Cafeteria has been RESCHEDULED TO TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH AT 6:30PM IN THE BHS CAFETERIA
Seniors - We need 8-10 students and 2 parents (grillers) to help out at homecoming on Saturday, October 3rd. Please see Mrs. Pitrone to sign up. Morning shift 9:30am - 12:30pm and afternoon shift 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Also, we need donations of grilling meats, breads and condiments. Ideas? See Ms. Pitrone in 210.
Seniors-Start thinking about what you need to gather for your senior section. Senior pictures are due to yearbook by January 11th. Check your google docs for a shared document on the templates. Keep in mind you can customize your template.
Seniors!! Dr. Richards will be available for college/career, financial aid and scholarship planning in group appointments or one-on-one appointments to help you plan your senior year and beyond. Sign up sheets are in the guidance office. She will make herself available during power hour on Tuesdays & Wednesdays at BHS and can make individual appointments at other times as needed.
Friday, September 25th, all students will attend "Class Meetings" for the purpose of getting all set for Homecoming. We need to take some extra time so we will call students out of their classes at exactly 10:00 am.
Seniors: Library, Juniors: Music Room, Sophomores: Cafeteria, Freshmen: Patio
Game Schedule: Saturday, October 3rd
**Please note the game schedule has changed for Homecoming due to SATS scheduled for Saturday Morning**
Girls JV Soccer - 1:00pm
Girls Varsity Soccer - 2:00pm
Boys JV Soccer - 2:45pm
Boys Varsity Soccer - 3:45pm
Girls JV Volleyball - 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Volleyball - 6:00pm
Volleyball games played at BMS
Homecoming Bonfire and Dance will be Friday October 2nd 7-10pm.
If you are bringing a guest that does not attend BHS to Homecoming you need to get a permission form in the main office.
Chaperones needed:
The BHS student council is looking for a handful of chaperones for the homecoming dance and fire that is going to take place here at BHS on Friday October 2nd. This year's dance will go from 7-10 pm. Please e-mail Dave McDonald or Joe Cilley if you are willing and able.
Student Council:
Student council need your help in collecting wooden pallets for the home coming bonfire that will be happening Friday October 2nd. Please only bring non painted pallets to the designated grass area behind student parking.
Pick-up truck needed to pick up pallets for bonfire. If you have a pick-up truck and are willing to drive to pick up pallets for our bonfire, please see Mr. McDonald or Mr. Cilley.
Clubs & Organizations:
Any student wishing to attend the NH Educational Theatre Guild's Fall Workshops at Plymouth State on October 16th should pick up the paperwork from the bulletin board outside the band room and turn it in with payment to Ms. Pitrone in room 210 as soon as possible. The deadline for schools to register is by October 3rd.
Gaming Club:
Today Thursday @ 2:20 in the Library
LR Scholarship 2015 Community Spelling Bee:
October 22, 2015 @ 6:30pm Laconia High School
Please see attached flyer for information & team registration form.
1. Any senior who is applying to for Service Academy Nominations from Senator Jeanne Shaheen needs to have all their application materials postmarked or hand delivered to her Manchester office by the close of business on Friday, October 2, 2015.
2. Any senior who is applying for the 32 credit diploma of distinction, the 20 credit diploma or an application to be an early graduate must see Mrs. O'Connell in the guidance office to pick up applications for this process. Completed applications are due back in the guidance office by October 15th.
Laconia Adult Education:
Laconia Adult Education will be offering an SAT Preparation Class beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015. The SAT prep class will meet from 6-9pm for a period of 7 weeks. The SAT prep class is scheduled to end on Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015. The cost of the class is as follows:
Registration $75, book fee $20, total cost is $95.00. For more information and to enroll contact Peggy Selig at Laconia Adult Education at 524-5712.
National Honor Society:
National Honor Society Members: We are signed up to do the Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk on October 25th at 10:00 am. Please plan accordingly, and email me your t-shirt size at Thank you! Ms. Haubrich
Upcoming School-to-Career opportunities with Mrs. Burke:
1. Ocean Discovery Day at UNH on October 16th – Students interested in exploring careers in Marine Science should take advantage of this opportunity! You will be able to talk with Scientists, operate an ROV in the deep water tank, learn about ocean mapping and acoustics and touch live sea creatures. Please sign up in Guidance by 10/8/15 to reserve a spot on the bus!
2. Career Power Hour is BACK and October is LRCC Month! Please sign up in guidance for the FREE Catered Lunch for one or ALL of the sessions! Professionals will be here to answer your questions about career options and skills needed to be successful in the following career paths:
October 8th – Information Technology with Professor Lavallee
October 13th – Electrical Technology with Professor Barney
October 15th – Marine Technology with Professor Marsh
October 20th – Marketing & Advertising with Professor Rose
October 26th – Culinary Arts Talk Chef Patrick Hall
October 27th – Advanced Manufacturing with Professor LaBrecque
*Sessions will take place in guidance from 10:20 – 11:20am with lunch starting at 11am!
Family Portrait Night
Thank you for the positive response to the family portrait program. We have received a number of requests and bookings since the email went out. We hope this information will answer questions you may have.
The event would take place at your school.
The families bring the sitting fee with them and payments are made out to the school.
There are a variety of poses taken of each family which are posted online.
Families will be able to choose photo packages. Novelties are also available during the holiday season.
We set a deadline for ordering especially if it is around the holidays to ensure delivery.
If you would like further information on prices, availability or deadlines please contact me.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you.
Rich Carroll
Geskus Studio & Yearbook Publishing
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