Thursday September 3, 2015
There is no school Friday September 4 and Monday September 7 in observance of Labor Day.. Everyone have a good weekend.
We are still missing a lot of forms that were sent home the first day of school. Please fill these out and send back with your student and have them drop off in the main office.
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. White Mtn. 4:00pm
Girls JV Soccer vs. White Mtn. 5:30pm
Golf vs. Bow, Pelham 4:00pm, Canterbury Woods Country Club
Friday 9/4/2015
Cross Country @ Gunstock 4:00pm, bus leaves @ 2:25pm
Boys JV Soccer vs. Mascoma 4:00pm
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Mascoma 4:00pm
Girls JV Volleyball vs. Farmington 4:30pm @ Belmont Middle School
Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Farmington 6:00pm @ Belmont Middle School
Picture Day:
Picture day is coming on Thursday September 10, 2015. All students are required to have their photo taken for ID purposes, they are not required to purchase a package. The form were sent with your student the first day of school.
BHS Planners:
We have extra BHS planners, if anyone is interested please come to the main office.
Huot Students:
There is check in sheet on Mrs. Downey's desk, where you will want to check your name to verify that you are taking the Huot bus, if you don't check your name it will be assumed that you are absent.
Seniors - We have two upcoming fundraising opportunities in September. There are a couple of spots left to work the Color Run on Saturday, September 12th from 6-11pm. Also, there are a handful of spots left to participate at NHMS on September 26th and 27th
We made almost $4,000 at NHMS in July, so this is a great opportunity! Email ( or text Mr. Hill to sign up please.
School Store:
Belmont High School Store will be open starting Tuesday September 8th in the café during power hour.
1. Any senior who is applying to for Service Academy Nominations from Senator Jeanne Shaheen needs to have all their application materials postmarked or hand delivered to her Manchester office by the close of business on Friday, October 2, 2015.
2. Any senior who is applying for the 32 credit diploma of distinction, the 20 credit diploma or an application to be an early graduate must see Mrs. O'Connell in the guidance office to pick up applications for this process. Completed applications are due back in the guidance office by October 15th.
3. Our first college Mini-Fair is scheduled for Friday, September 18th from 9:20-10:20 in the cafeteria. All juniors and seniors will be invited to attend.
4. Thursday, September 24th at 6:30pm in the BHS Cafeteria-College Overview for Seniors, presented The NHHEAF Network. This presentation educates high school seniors and their families about the college admissions process. Topics to be discussed include: the qualifications colleges are looking for, application components, college essay pointers, the application timeline and basic financial aid overview. Attendees will receive the 2015-16 College Insider. This will be the only college overview night for this school year. All seniors and parents are encouraged to attend.
Yearbooks are on Sale until September 18th!
The yearbook is currently available for its LOWEST PRICE of the year - $43 (not $45 as the flyer stated). To order, see Mrs. Hamilton in Room 210, email her at, or order directly online at Payment plans of up to three installments are available. Please make checks out to BHS.
Auditions for Drama:
Auditions for CATS will be held on September 9th and 10th, from 2:30-4:15 in the cafeteria. Students who are interested in participating should take a copy of the music in advance and come to either audition date which will include three parts: Movement/acting, dance and music/voicing. Audition materials are posted on the bulletin board outside the band room. Please see Ms.Pitrone in room 210 or Ms. Fountain in the band room with any questions.
Cool School Dollars:
When doing shopping at Steeplegate, save your receipts and drop off in the box in the main lobby. All monies earned benefits our scholarships.
If you are taking lunch trays out of the Cafeteria to eat somewhere else, PLEASE RETURN THEM.
French Club:
Anyone interested in joining the French Club there will be a meeting on Monday September 14th @ 2:20pm in room 205. Come and join the French Club and run for an office.
Booster Club:
The first booster club meeting will be September 9th in the Café @ 6:30. Looking for new members and people interested in helping our student athletes.
Car Registrations:
If you are planning on driving a vehicle to school it needs to be registered with the main office. If you have never registered a vehicle please come to the main office for a form. If you have registered a vehicle in the past we would still ask you to come to the main office to confirm the information on file for accuracy.
Upcoming School-to-Career opportunities with Mrs. Burke:
1. NH Construction Career Day at Hillsborough Co. 4-H Center on Sept. 17th - Explore careers in construction and the transportation industry through hands-on experience with heavy equipment, welding, small tools, plumbing, electrical wiring, engineering, and more! Please sign up in Guidance by 9/10/15 to reserve a spot on the bus!
2. Media Arts Technology Fair at Lakes Region Community College on Sept. 23rd – Students and teachers from around the state will have the chance to become familiar with a variety of production equipment, industry insight, and education pathways during this day of play! Enjoy the breakout demos, hands-on workstations and creative vendor booths. Please sign up in Guidance by 9/10/15 to reserve a spot on the bus!
3. Ocean Discovery Day at UNH on October 16th – Students interested in exploring careers in Marine Science should take advantage of this opportunity! You will be able to talk with Scientists, operate an ROV in the deep water tank, learn about ocean mapping and acoustics and touch live sea creatures. Please sign up in Guidance by 10/8/15 to reserve a spot on the bus!
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